What others are saying:

“Amanda was a light in the darkness. She helped me shift my focus from losing weight to taking care of myself. Since I started working with Amanda, my health has improved and I’m able to feel strong emotions without bingeing.” -Adult Client in Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder

“Amanda is cool. Like the best kind of friend a person could want. Annoyingly honest and frank while grounded in a deep love and compassion for her clients. Working with her was invaluable to my recovery from bulimia. She is committed to her client’s well being in every aspect of their lives, not just with eating and body image. She didn’t carry me. She pushed me and supported me, leading me to discover the answers on my own so that I would really learn and absorb them. I can’t thank Amanda enough for the impact she’s had on my life. You won’t regret choosing this lady to be your partner in recovery – guaranteed.” -Adult Client in Recovery from Bulimia

“Clients strongly value Amanda’s honest feedback and individualized care while providers respect Amanda’s ability to collaborate and conceptualize best patient care within the context of a treatment team.” – Therapist & Colleague

“I’ve been thinking a lot about when I was introduced for the first time to the possibility of change in my life. The person that did that for me was Amanda. And boy, has there been change!! I’m loving food and my body and everything it does for me. I thank God every day for the events that have led me here and even though there are rough days, there are so many things I am living for.”  -Adolescent Client in Recovery from Anorexia

“As an eating disorder dietitian that trained directly from Amanda, I have seen first hand the exceptional level of care and dedication she gives to each client.  She provides clients a safe place to work through the nutritional recovery process.  If I had a close friend or family member that struggled with disordered eating, I would refer them to Amanda.” -Registered Dietitian Supervised by Amanda

“From transitioning away from in-patient to intuitive eating – during pregnancy, nursing and beyond, Amanda has always offered the truth when eating disordered thoughts try to creep back in. I have now been living free of eating disordered behaviors for 6 years!” -Adult Client in Recovery from Anorexia with Orthorexic Behaviors